Thursday, December 12, 2024


 Another game of Hail Ceaser 2 was played on 10 December when we went over for one of Steve's Big Table Battles.  Parthia vs India and the Army of Poros.  Billed as Cataphracts vs Heavy Chariotry. 

As ever the opening moves were dominated by the myriad of small horse archer units trying to soften up the unarmoured Indian infantry and tempt the relatively poor quality into rash charges.  As it was the Indian forces advanced steadily and anchored themselves on the available hills and woods, supported by their elephants.  It did feel at times that the line was a pincushion, but dexterous use of the various general's moral throws managed to keep the archers in line and shooting. Some of the horse archers were driven back by weight of arrows, and others by some quick charges by the Indian horse which put them to temporary flight. There were a number of command blunders on the Indian side but these resulted largely in incautious advances rather than problems.  One forced retreat caused the Parthians to advance and break their formation, thinking to take advantage a cataphract unit charged a unit of medium archers, and were thrown back in confusion. An advance by the central heavy horse resulted in a tangle as horse archers got in the way, partly because the Indian centre and chariots also threatened a charge.  In the event only one chariot unit struck the line, and pushed its opponent back, being well supported. It followed up and more indian cavalry flowed in behind to prevent the chariots being surrounded. At this point the Parthian centre began to collapse as had the right wing and a general pursuit was declared.  

As ever HC2 gave an enjoyable game, and the occasion for much chat and banter.  We do not think this will be the last border dispute by a long chalk.

The armies are a mixture of vintage figures from the collection of Steve Lewis

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